20 Real Estate Instagram Posts That Win Business (2022)
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Instagram has become ‘the choice’ of social media in recent years.
With over 1.44 billion active users1 on Instagram, there’s an abundance of opportunity to build your brand.
But, in an era of ‘samey’ content, standing out from thousands of other agents can be tricky.
You don’t want to create noise in an already loud and saturated market.
This is where creativity, planning, and, personal brand come into play.
No one wants to see listing after listing; it gets old.
Your Instagram feed should inspire engagement from your followers (past, present, and future clients).
We’ve helped hundreds (if not thousands) of real estate agents improve their Instagram posts.
In this article, we’re going to show you real-life examples of how Instagram posts can win you listing appointments.
Why advertise your real estate business on Instagram?
The mistake agents can make is thinking Instagram’s core market doesn’t align with their target demographic.
However, in reality, more than 47 million people2 are between 25 and 34 years old.
And, even better, Instagram posts are brand builders.
Creative and engaging posts can trigger a response from the algorithm, that can accelerate your social presence.
Social proof
When home buyers or sellers are researching agents, social proof is crucial.
Social proof influences purchasing decisions.
It re-enforces trust with the consumer.
This can come in the form of online reviews and recommendations, high engagement on social media posts, or a lot of followers on social media.
A real estate Instagram page provides another channel for new clients to review before they engage.
The more positive touchpoints you have, the higher chance you have of building a connection.
High engagement
Instagram has one of the highest engagement rates3 of any social media platform.
It has 15x the engagement rate of Facebook and 20x the engagement rates of Twitter.
But we’re not looking for vanity-level metrics.
By building a consistent posting schedule for Instagram, you can build meaningful connections.
Connections that can turn into referrals or direct engagement from potential clients.
Quick growth potential
Because of the high engagement rates and how easy it is to share content and acquire followers, you can quickly grow your Instagram profile's reach.
Instagram has a much higher and quicker growth potential compared to other social media channels.
Brands that do a good job with their content and messaging can grow their followers by 6-8% each month4.
That’s 3 times higher than Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
You can gain new followers every day through engaging and inspirational posts, encouraging your followers to share your content, and high engagement from followers.
Just keep posting!
It’s fun!
All work and no play is no way to make an enjoyable career.
Instagram is a fun way to engage with your customers and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the day.
Take a few minutes each day to share a quick inspiration post or story.
Take some time looking at other successful agents’ profiles.
Engage with them by commenting, liking and sharing helpful posts to your Instagram story.
This is a great shortcut for growing your brand awareness too. Piggyback off of what other agents are doing well and use that to grow your own account.
Have fun with your account and let your personality shine through.
18 engaging Instagram post ideas for real estate agents
Alright, we won’t make you wait any longer.
Let’s dive into these 18 killer Instagram post ideas and stellar examples that you can take inspiration from.
1. A day in the life of an agent
“A day in the life” posts are fantastic for showing a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on in the day-to-day job of a real estate agent.
Sometimes we glamorize our jobs and only share their fun and exciting aspects.
But it's okay to show the nitty gritty too.
The paperwork, the meetings, the office life, the things you might not be as excited about.
That makes you relatable.
It makes you more human.
Of course, the fun and exciting aspects are also great "day in the life" posts.
Just mix it up and get relatable in your posts as well.
Here’s a great example from Park Group Real Estate:
2. Get involved with local businesses
A huge trend in real estate marketing right now is getting involved with local businesses.
Whether you are partnering with local businesses on projects or events or simply featuring them on your social accounts, these are always good posts.
Tagging and engaging with other businesses on Instagram also provides an opportunity for you to reach more followers.
Once you tag another account, you’ll have the potential to reach their followers with your posts.
Take a look at this example from Energized Realty Group:
3. Video testimonials with your clients
We’ve all seen text and image testimonials from clients–which are all fine and good.
But if you can get video testimonials from your clients, they are incredibly powerful lead-generation tools.
Video tends to have almost twice as much engagement5 as regular posts on Instagram.
Plus, seeing a video of a real person sharing their testimonial of you and your services is priceless.
Try to get video testimonials on a regular basis to send trust signals and increase your engagement rates.
In the beginning, try for one video testimonial each month and see where that takes you.
Then, each month, try to spend the time to increase that number. Double down on building the trust element of your Instagram posts.
4. Videos of your most popular listings
Take your listings that get a lot of engagement (i.e., likes and comments) and make a video.
You can do a video walkthrough to show the features that people are most excited about or share some cool drone footage of the property.
Most phones have great video capabilities, so take your phone out at the house and start filming.
You can narrate your walkthrough and add a little background music before posting to snazz it up.
If you're not confident in your video shooting skills, you can always hire a local videographer.
5. Unique houses and features
Are there any homes or properties on your list that have unique features?
Those are perfect for sharing on your Instagram account.
Take pictures and videos of the cool features and homes that you have come across. These tend to get awesome engagement rates.
We all like novelties and have features in mind that would be perfect in our dream home.
Take advantage of that and share those kinds of things.
See this example of a unique-looking condo from The BREL Team:
6. Agent spotlights (meet the team)
Share. Your. People.
Agent and staff spotlights are amazing ideas for content on your real estate Instagram feed.
On the one hand, it shows that you value your team and sends the good vibes people love seeing.
On the other hand, you can gain more engagement by tagging your team members. Then, their friends and family will see the post and comment on it or like it.
Most people love to see things they can relate to online, and seeing someone they know is the perfect way to engage with them.
7. Share press mentions & accolades
It’s okay to share your accomplishments on Instagram.
It’s okay to boast about yourself and your business a little.
Let your followers share in your successes and exciting professional news.
If you or your realty team have been mentioned in the press, contributed to a well-known publication, or have been featured on TV or other media, share it.
If you have it, share a little snippet from your TV or online video feature. Or create a graphic like the one below to share your media mentions or professional endorsements.
8. Home tours
Who doesn’t love a good home tour?
Whether you have awesome photos or a sweet video walkthrough, share home tours on your real estate Instagram.
Even when your followers aren’t in the market, it’s still fun to see the homes that you’re working with.
And you never know which of your followers has friends in the market for a new home. They might just send someone your way.
9. Sneak peek to build excitement
Is there something coming up on the market soon that you want to build excitement around?
Engage your followers on Instagram.
Attract potential buyers with a sneak peek photo.
Get creative with a listing trailer.
There isn’t anything that builds interest quite like building suspense.
That could be a new development, an exciting listing or, maybe you’ve worked with a celebrity.
All we know is, Instagram posts that create hype are amazing for engagement.
Sneak peeks are great because they help generate talk around a listing before it hits the market.
This can help you get interested buyers or at least a few solid leads ahead of time.
10. Local market stats and trends
Local market stats and trends are incredibly helpful for those looking to buy or sell soon.
Be the voice that provides this valuable information to your followers.
Share regular market updates.
Share impactful statistics and trends that will help buyers and sellers determine the prices they should be considering.
Take this fantastic example from Jay Marks Real Estate:
They share a list of stats in their local market.
Then they break down exactly how those stats impact buyers and sellers in their area.
And, of course, they finish with a call-to-action to let their followers know they are just a phone call away.
11. Educational videos
Educational videos help you establish yourself as a leader in the industry and your community.
Share educational content to provide additional value to your followers.
Some client-targeted topics to help generate ideas:
- Basics of buying a property from a realtor’s perspective
- 60-second look at property taxes in your area
- Are there benefits to buying in an HOA?
Think of frequently asked questions you get from clients and turn those into a short video for your audience.
Home buyers and sellers are not your only audience on Instagram.
You’ll likely have other agents follow you.
Sometimes they follow to see what the competition is up to.
And sometimes they genuinely enjoy your content and find value in it.
Helpful educational topics for other agents:
- Tips for identifying market trends
- Networking tips for realtors
This kind of educational content is also great for brand building. It helps you establish your voice and sends the message that you want to help your clients and fellow realtors.
Check out this example from the Joe Taylor Group:
12. Development tours and sellouts
Keep your followers informed when new developments are rolling out or when you come across a sellout that is going on the market.
Properties in new developments have a lot of appeal, so be the first in your area to share these when they go up.
Take your followers on a tour through the development, homes, and community that are going up.
Highlight the unique features of any new developments you share and include a call-to-action for any interested parties to reach out to you.
Sellouts can be just as exciting of an opportunity as new developments, particularly to real estate investors.
So pay attention to these property types when they hit the market and share them on your Instagram page with your contact information.
13. Share your sales milestones
What are your goals for the year?
The month?
Share your sales goals with your followers.
And then share again when you reach those milestones.
Let your followers share in your success.
Not only does this help them feel like they are a part of your journey, but it also is a great humble brag opportunity to show how successful your team is.
Take this example from Zandra Ulloa:
Create a fun graphic or video of yourself that outlines your goals and accomplishments.
14. Local community events & involvement
Whenever you participate in a local event or community service, document it.
Take pictures and videos.
Then share those on your Instagram feed and Stories.
Showing your humanity appeals to the emotions of your followers. It helps them connect to you and like you more.
A considerable part of your job as an agent is to make sure people like you and want to work with you.
Sharing heart-warming experiences like this will get you in the right direction.
Of course, don't just use these opportunities for PR; actually get involved and show the community that you care too.
15. What are your pets up to?
Can you really go wrong sharing a picture of your pets?
70% of U.S. households had pets6 in their home as of 2022.
So there’s a pretty good chance a large percentage of your followers have and adore pets too.
Don’t go overboard, but do a fun post every once in a while to share what your pet is up to.
Maybe you’re working from home one day and your pet does something particularly adorable. Snap a photo and share it!
Animals get great engagement on Instagram. So use that to your advantage.
16. Exciting personal news
It’s okay to get close and personal with your Instagram posts.
Obviously, be wary of what you want to share online, but also don’t be afraid to share your personal life and news that you are excited about.
This is a great way to create personal connections with your followers and clients.
Maybe you’ve recently remodeled your home office, finally took that Europe vacation, or just found out your family is growing.
Take a photo or make a video announcement and share that with the followers on your realtor Instagram account.
17. Something that brings you joy
What makes you happy?
Instagram and other social media platforms often become places for people to complain and bash others.
Brighten up the space by sharing something that brings you joy.
Share that sunset photo you took outside your house or a photo of a phenomenal dinner you had at a local restaurant.
People respond well to positivity and seek it out.
Take advantage of that by creating a positive place where your followers can get a break from the constant bombarding of negative content online.
Check out this heart-warming example from Matthew Bizarro:
18. Inspirational quote or story
Along the same line as the positivity posts, inspirational quotes or stories can help create a space where your followers thrive.
Of course, you’ll want to be careful not to get too cheesy with it (we’ve all seen the “Never give up” type posts with the floral background image).
Take something from your own experience or personal background that inspired you and share a story about it.
Or use a quote from a mentor, team member, or personal hero that has resonated with you.
Best practices and tips for realtors sharing content on Instagram
Now that you’ve got a slew of new ideas for your real estate Instagram account, let’s talk best practices.
There are right and wrong ways to post on Instagram.
These best practices will help you keep engagement rates high when you share your phenomenal content.
It needs to look good
You don’t need to be a design pro, but your real estate Instagram posts should be aesthetically pleasing.
Use a pop of color now and then or change up the fonts.
Take professional-looking photos. Most of our phones can accomplish this nowadays.
If your creativity is lacking, that’s okay! There are some amazing tools that you can use to create beautiful graphics and layouts for your Instagram posts.
Canva is a great tool that has tons of templates. And it's free!
Just do a quick search for "Instagram posts," and you'll get hundreds of ideas and templates for your content.
If you aren't sure or don't have the time to create your posts, you can always hire graphic designers or social media specialists to beautify your feed.
Mix it up
Don't post the same thing every day or every time you post.
That's why we've given you a whole list of ideas!
Mix up the kind of content you share on your realtor Instagram feed. This will keep your followers from getting bored with your content and help you grow those creative muscles.
Instagram Stories & Reels
Take advantage of the different content opportunities that Instagram allows. You can do more than just post a picture with some text.
You can share reels, videos, and stories.
Stories are great for announcing upcoming listings, community events, or even a quick update on your day.
Engaging content
Create and post content that engages your audience.
As we've mentioned, video is great for this.
Knowing your audience can help you narrow down the kind of content they will respond well to.
Ask and answer questions that your clients and fellow realtors might have.
Share fun things that appeal to our humanity and emotions.
You know your clients best, so keep their interests in mind as you plan your Instagram content.
Don't post just to post
You don't need to post something on your realtor Instagram account every day.
You should only post with a purpose.
If you post every day but lack substance or depth in your posts, you will have difficulty keeping and engaging your followers.
Be intentional with each post.
You'll find much better engagement when each post is made with a specific purpose: providing educational value, sharing a hot listing, or making someone smile.
If you aren’t already on Instagram, get there.
Take notes of the ideas that will appeal to and engage your clients.
Share the mundane, everyday activities. Share the exciting news and accomplishments.
Keep your followers informed.
And when creativity is lacking, look to other realtors’ Instagram accounts for inspiration.
You’re not alone in this.
Just pick up your phone and start posting.
Key Takeaways
- Over 47 million Instagram users are aged 25-34 years old.
- Instagram posts have the highest engagement rates.
- A consistent posting schedule can see growth of up to 8% every month.
- Don't just post listings on Instagram.
- Make your feed human and build deep connections.

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